Cloud Creative...
It's that time again. Oh, and that other time again. For now, I'm just done with public Minecraft servers. Average player count is pretty much zero. »
JetBrains is a company that provides IDEs for multiple different programming languages. Each of their IDEs cost about $150 every year and $600 every year for »
It's that time again. Oh, and that other time again. For now, I'm just done with public Minecraft servers. Average player count is pretty much zero. »
Cloud Creative is a creative plots server I own. I started it early October and it's still online (yeah, not too long but knowing my server »
‮This is sort of just a small post... Whoops I mean- This is sort of just a small post about a special character that makes all »
Sorry if this post is poorly written, I'm in a bit of a rush right now. Also, this post may use more technical terms so don't »
I've always wondered. Why do people even want to send out malware, even ransomeware, to people? They obviously know that they'll get caught and get in »
Today, March 19, 2017, DOSS3 will be shutting down. This is also the end of the DOSS series. :( But don't worry, that doesn't mean I'm done »
October 2013: New server created. Currently unnamed. Temporary name Dragon of Smelted Sand used, named after server my dad used to play Glass Dragon. Late 2014: »
So, most of you are probably being directed here from Minecraft, so I'd assume you know what Dragon of Smelted Sand is. Anyway, recently I've been »
EDIT: This has been since fixed. Everybody's subscribers have been returned. Hello. Recently, a severe bug inside of YouTube was discovered by BlackScreenTV, a fairly popular »