Hello! So, a few days ago (two to be exact) we talked about what might be in 0.13.1. Now that it's been released, let's talk about what has been added, changed, et cetera. We were pretty wrong, we didn't guess a thing right, but without further ado, let's get into the update notes.
Alright, first, a new menu design! The menu design copies the Win10 edition of the game and looks pretty sweet! It has four buttons, Play, Options, Skins, and languages. We probably would have never guessed that.
Next, a new festive skin pack! This skin pack includes three (?) free skins and I have no idea on how many paid. Not too many though, shame on you, Mojang. (Just kidding.)
And finally, bug fixes. Not sure what they fixed. They said bug fixes. That's all. Period. I'm putting too many periods. I don't know why. Yeah.
And that's really all! Be sure to subscribe to my blog for updates and until next time. Peace.